Private Non-Profit Alcohol-free community

Quit Drinking Today: Your Alcohol-Free Journey Starts Here

Embrace the power of accountability and connection in Café RE’s private online community to quit drinking and live the alcohol-free life you’ve been dreaming of.

As a 501c3 non-profit, our mission is simple: to cure addiction. Believe it or not, addiction is a modern phenomenon that represents a society living out of balance. Café RE is about restoring, and recovering who we are meant to be. When this is done, the urge to drink fades.


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It’s time to ditch the booze, get accountable and be the best version of you.

You’ve tried all the moderation techniques and told yourself you would quit drinking more times than you can count. 

Yet somehow, you are stuck in a cycle of day 1’s and might find yourself searching for things like sobriety podcasts in a desperate attempt to carve a new path for yourself. 

We’ve been there – it sucks – but there is a way out

Whether you want to learn how to quit drinking for a month, or a year or are simply sober curious, you’ll find the support you need to reach your sobriety goals inside Café RE. 

In Their Words

Andrea - 60, California

I joined CafeRE 2 weeks after my last drink and it has been pivotal in my recovery. The connections I have made and the support I have received, has been significant in my long term sobriety. I have been able to form long lasting friendships with members who I know consider my chosen family. 💙

Dave - 62, Minnesota

For me, participating in the CafeRE community was the missing piece to my sobriety puzzle and has helped me attain my longest stretch of sobriety in over 40 years. Regularly attending online chats has allowed me to build a network of sober friends, taught me a tremendous amount about myself, and provided a loving/supportive/non-judgemental community in which I am thriving. Your path to sobriety may be different than mine, but joining CafeRE has been exactly what I needed to build the pride, knowlege, accountability, and community I needed to make my sobriety finally stick. Good luck on your journey.

Megan - 39, Georgia

I joined Cafe RE in 2019 when I was 3 weeks sober. It was the place I could go for support, comfort, connection and a platform for me to be vulnerable. It was my safe place and I owe my long term sobriety that I have today to that community.

Rick - 47, New Hampshire

The Recovery Elevator podcast cracked the door of sobriety open for me. The CafeRE community busted that door wide open! Connecting with the CafeRE community has been instrumental in my sobriety journey.

Sobriety can be a lonely place. I was sober-curious for a long time and often had small periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking. I found the Recovery Elevator podcast and it satiated that sober curiosity, but the CafeRE community and connections I’ve made there solidified my life of sobriety.

Kayleen - 27, Maryland

I say this all the time – I wouldn’t be 15 months sober without the courage to ask for help and reach out to community. Cafe RE has given me just that – an amazing community of like-minded people to laugh with and lean on. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to build my AF network and it’s a bonus to make amazing friends along the way.

You don’t have to do this alone (scrap that, you shouldn’t try to do this alone)

Imagine being surrounded by people who understand what you’re going through because they’ve been there too. No judgment, no hiding, and no explanation is needed. Just open, honest conversations with others from across the globe who have the same goal: to learn how to live an alcohol-free life.

This is the power of Café RE 🤜 🤛

Quitting drinking alone is next to impossible. But quitting drinking alongside a community of like-minded individuals working together to achieve a new life of sobriety? It’s not a matter of ‘if’ you’ll quit drinking, but ‘when’. And, get this…it doesn’t have to suck.

In fact, it’s going to be a lot of fun. Seriously, buckle up. This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime.

Real talk: Trying to drink away your problems is not helping (but you already knew that, didn’t you?)

While there may have been a point in your life where it felt like booze was giving you some form of relief, it’s not working anymore, is it? If it were, you probably wouldn’t be reading this or Googling things like “Do I have a drinking problem?” or “How to know if I’m an alcoholic,” would you? FYI, this is how we all started.

No shame. We. Get. It.

But wouldn’t it be amazing if you could look back on this day as the one where you finally did something about it? Café RE’s core function is to connect you with like-minded individuals looking to ditch the booze in a supportive, stigma-free space – because to truly embrace life without alcohol, we need support. Full stop.

An AF Community With History

Members have been connecting in Café RE since 2015 and many members have been with us for years. Follow in the footsteps of those who have already ditched the booze.

A Space That Embraces All Pathways to Sobriety

There is no right or wrong way to quit drinking, and all of us are different. Join our in-house AA meetings, Recovery Dharma, or general discussion meetings. We embrace all modalities!

A Chance to Give Back

Our sober community is primarily peer-led. Many members who come in looking for help, eventually help others by hosting chats themselves, spearheading discussions, or even leading initiatives like book clubs and Yoga classes.

That a Life of Sobriety is Possible & Can Be A Lot of Fun

Laughter is the best medicine. Learn practical strategies to get through the tough days & discover just how much more amazing life can be without alcohol.

Meaningful Connections With Other Sober Warriors

The opposite of addiction is connection – that’s what we are accomplishing here. It’s that simple.

A Place to Heal & Release the Weight of Shame

Shame dies when stories are told in safe spaces. You’ll find a group of humans who make it feel ok to talk about the stuff you’ve kept bottled up, and realize you’re not alone.

What’s Included

Monthly Subscription – $24/Month

  • Access to our private community inside the Café RE App
  • Option to be paired with an accountability partner
  • From online to in-person, attend meet-ups across the country and globe with other Café RE members.
  • Connect with others in your same city or state.
  • Access to over 80 Zoom chats per month (2-5 chats daily)
  • Two 5-week courses per year – only for Café RE members
  • Discounts to Recovery Elevator events/retreats/conferences

Take The First Step: Stay Connected

Subscribe today to receive bi-weekly encouragement on your sobriety journey, along with updates on community news, offerings, and our mission to address the mental health crisis, straight to your inbox.

A message from our founder, Paul Churchill

Paul ChurchillOne July evening in the summer of 2014, at 1:55 am I desperately searched for an online community, hoping to find something like Café RE.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find a community, but I did find a Bud Light ad on Facebook and guess what I was drinking moments after.

In that moment, I realized the need for a supportive, stigma-free space where people could connect and share their journeys.

This experience inspired me to create Café RE – a place where you don’t have to face this challenge alone. Here, we believe that quitting drinking is not just a possibility but a certainty with the right support.

Over the years, we’ve built a dedicated team of individuals walking the same path and embracing all different backgrounds. Some follow the 12 steps, some don’t. Our diverse approaches and shared experiences strengthen our community and provide a wealth of resources and support for our members.

By the Numbers


Café RE Registrations Since 2015


Donated to initiatives geared toward healing addiction

18 - 25

Online Community Meetings Every Week


Recovery Elevator Podcast Downloads


Members have attended in-person meet-ups



Real Recovery Stories Told On The Recovery Elevator Podcast

What Makes Café RE Special

We believe in the power of community, and the stats speak for themselves:

  • 98% of our members are extremely satisfied, very satisfied, or satisfied with their Café RE experience.
  • 63% of Café RE members have hit 90 days alcohol-free, and 45% have made it to one year alcohol-free.
  • 92% of our members say that Café RE’s programs are helpful or very helpful in getting or staying sober.
  • The average member stays with us for 19 months, showing the lasting impact of our community.
  • Café RE is a welcoming space for everyone, with members ranging in age from 20 to 70 and a truly co-ed community that’s 60% female and 40% male (mas o menos).

Whether you’re just starting your alcohol-free journey or are looking to deepen your commitment, Café RE is here to support you every step of the way.

Service Projects & The Non-Profit Model: A Commitment to Transparency and Support

Café RE is proud to be a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to supporting those who wish to quit drinking.

Whether addiction is a disease, environmental, or we simply live in a society that normalizes drinking a highly addictive and potentially lethal substance called alcohol, Café RE is a community created to address the mental health crisis of addiction.

We have big goals for this non-profit. Curing addiction is at the top of that list.
Did someone say in-person Café RE coffee shops and petting zoos? We plan to continue bringing addiction outreach to Indigenous and underserved communities in the United States and abroad.

Support the Mission

With over 48 million Americans struggling with addiction, it is not confined to the other side of the street or another neighborhood—it’s in your backyard, or in your house.

When individuals with alcohol addiction heal, everyone in their immediate circle benefits. This interconnectedness strengthens the fabric of our society, making it crucial for all of us to come together.

Even if you don’t struggle with alcohol addiction, your support can make a profound impact & help to build a healthier, more connected community.

Build Your Sobriety Toolbox

Need some independent tools Tap into free, accessible resources designed to support your journey to a healthier, sober life.


Tune into the Recovery Elevator Podcast


Explore Café RE’s recovery-focused meditations


Join others who are walking the same path

Support the Mission

Joining something like Café RE is a big step in your sobriety journey. If you need any clarity on whether this is the right path for you, want to learn about sliding scale options or have any other questions – reach out today. We’re all in this together.